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James Dyson moves main address back to the UK

James Dyson - Credit: Royal Society/Wikimedia

Brexiteer James Dyson has moved his address to the UK, two years after relocating the Dyson head office to Singapore.

Details for Weybourne Limited – Dyson’s parent company – were updated on Tuesday, records on the Companies House website show.

The entry is listed as “change of details for Sir James Dyson as a person with significant control”.

In the “new country/state usually resident” section, the United Kingdom is now listed, in a change made on April 6.

In a somewhat controversial move in January 2019, it was revealed the Brexit-backing businessman was relocating the Dyson head office from the UK to Singapore.

On the latest change, a spokeswoman for Dyson said: “We do not comment on private family matters and nothing has changed in respect of the company; the structure of the Group and the business rationale underpinning it are unaltered.”

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