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Shadow minister resigns over ‘misjudged’ comments on gay marriage

Janet Daby MP was Labour's shadow faith minister - Credit: House of Commons

Labour’s minister for faith has resigned and apologised for making “misjudged” comments relating to gay marriage.

Janet Daby said last week that registrars who have a religious objection to same-sex marriages should be protected from losing their jobs if they refuse to certify the partnership.

The Lewisham East MP said she “sincerely” apologised for the “misjudged” remarks and would stand down from her frontbench role.

She wrote on Twitter: “I’m proud to support same-sex marriages. On Saturday Labour celebrated 15 years of civil partnerships, and all the progress we’ve made since.

“I sincerely apologise for my misjudged comments on Friday, and have decided to resign as shadow faith minister.”

A Labour spokesman said: “Janet Daby has today stood down from her role as a shadow minister.

“We will appoint a replacement in due course.”

The Telegraph reported that Daby had said there “needs to be something in place that protects people of faith as well as those who think the other way”.

“It is an issue of conscience. It is like people having a choice who, for reasons of conscience, cannot participate in conducting an abortion,” she said.

Refusing to perform same-sex weddings as a registrar is unlawful discrimination.

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