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Keir Starmer’s polling figures highest for Labour leader since 2007

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer during a visit to the University of Edinburgh School of Medicine. - Credit: PA

A new poll from YouGov has seen Keir Starmer’s perception with the public rise again with 37% now believing he would make the best prime minister.

It is an increase of two points compared to a week ago, whilst Boris Johnson has failed to change opinion this week, remaining static on just 30% of support.

The figures put Keir Starmer on the best performance for a Labour leader with the pollster since September 2007 when Tony Blair was prime minister – more than 4.756 days ago.

The only other polling since to put Labour ahead of their Tory counterpart comes from a Gallup poll in January 2009 when Gordon Brown outperformed David Cameron. 

In the YouGov polling Starmer picked up 9% of support of 2019 Conservative voters, 71% of Labour voters and 69% of Lib Dem voters.

The Labour leader was also backed by 17% of Leave voters in the EU referendum.

Johnson’s approval ratings are now at the lowest since last September, with the numbers approving of his performance dropping four points since last month.

Martin Phillips tweeted: “Hugely significant because this is the question that has biggest influence on who wins election. The biggest Labour lead since Gordon didn’t go for the snap election.”

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