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What a week of two halves

On Saturday, the extraordinary pleasure of marching with around 100,000 other anti-Brexit believers through the streets of London. A joyous occasion – even in the shadow of the recent Westminster tragedy it filled the optimism levels back to something close to normal.

Then, of course, Theresa May pulled the sump plug on that by triggering Article 50.

Many found much reason to be depressed at that. Us too. But we also found ourselves filled with a resolve that our voice was now as important as ever. Maybe more so.

The next two years are going to be interesting to say the least. Traumatic possibly. But we don’t give up hope that this much vaunted ‘will of the British people’ will change very clearly as the true consequences of Brexit become clear.

Thanks again for your support. Please check out our new Youtube channel at and keep the faith.

Until next week


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