Who is on Question Time tonight and where do they stand on Brexit? Here’s your guide…
The BBC’s flagship current affairs programme tonight comes from Birmingham, home of Jasper Carrott. But who will be a roaring success like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire – and whose appearance will be best forgotten like Funky Moped? Here’s you full guide to the panel and where they stand on Brexit…
Paul Scully
Who? Deputy chairman of the Conservative Party
Where is he on Brexit? Hardliner and supporter of the no-deal-backing Leave Means Leave group
MP for Sutton and Cheam and a scorched-Earth Brexiteer appointed as deputy chair of the Tories by Boris Johnson upon assuming the leadership, he has modestly described himself as an expert on the EU “mainly because I can grab hold of the issue and speak about Brexit until the cows come home”. Voted for the Referendum Party in 1997 and immediately joined the Tories out of penance “when I saw the error of my ways, having helped Tony Blair to get into power and a Liberal Democrat to get into Sutton”. Not considered one of the great intellectual heavyweights on the Tory benches, he last year revealed himself to be the only person in Britain too thick to understand the old saying when he tweeted: “Hearing the usual #Brexit argument on #marr that we can’t have our cake and eat it. There is literally no point to cake if it can’t be eaten.”
Jon Ashworth
Who? Shadow health secretary
Where is he on Brexit? Said before the referendum that a Leave vote could lead to the “unravelling” of the EU and precipitate “decades of darkness” for the continent. Now a softer Remainer who appears to have grudgingly backed a second referendum
Jon Ashworth. You know, Jon Ashworth? The shadow health secretary? The Labour frontbencher has remained largely imperceptible to the electorate despite shadowing the subject routinely shown to have the most emotional heft. Backed Yvette Cooper for the Labour leadership, but has since been to a re-education camp and is a loyal Corbyn backer. Has described Brexiteers as “a bunch of clowns”, saying that “these guys have landed us in this mess. They’ve told we are going to have all this money for the NHS with their stupid bus”. Says of any second referendum that “the Labour Party is a party in favour of Remain, so I think we’d campaign to Remain. We would have a democratic discussion in the party but I am pretty convinced.” Which is reassuring. Once caught out when he didn’t know how much an NHS prescription cost, saying “God, that’s terrible, that is”.
Layla Moran
Who? Liberal Democrat education and digital, culture, media and sport spokeswoman
Where is she on Brexit? Passionate Remainer and champion of the Best for Britain group campaigning for a second referendum
Only a Member of Parliament since 2017, Moran was quickly talked up as a future leader. But reportedly has her eye on her party’s presidency in the future which, in terms of ambition, is like a hotly-tipped young actor wanting to emulate the career of Tony from Hollyoaks. An eloquent spokeswoman for the Best for Britain group, she has written that “though the Liberal Democrats have been clear and consistent, while walking between appointments in Parliament Square, I have been called a traitor, and worse,” adding: “I will always believe that my vote, and the votes of my Lib Dem colleagues, are the best thing I can do to save this country from a no-deal Brexit and save it from Boris Johnson”. As the daughter of an EU diplomat Moran grew up in Belgium, Greece, Ethiopia, Jamaica and Jordan, so is probably one of those “citizens of nowhere” Theresa May warned you about.
Mairead McGuinness
Who? First vice president of the European Parliament
Where is she on Brexit? Strongly anti, she has described it as “an emotional issue” and warned it could destroy UK-Ireland relations
Described by the Irish World as “one of Ireland’s most prominent and most ambitious MEPs”, McGuiness has held the role of first vice president of the European Parliament since January 2017. A former presenter of RTÉ’s Celebrity Farm turned Fine Gael MEP, she has said the UK’s Brexit border plans “are more than the UK wanting to have its cake and eat it, it’s an attempt to have its cake and eat ours too”. Oh God – she’s going to have to explain that to Paul Scully, isn’t she? Made headlines by claiming Britain’s exit would cause a more radical change in its relationship with Ireland than the 1916 Easter Rising or partition ever did. Said last year: “I’m not going to speak directly to Brexiteers because every time I do they tweet things I’d rather not see, so with respect, I hope that they hear my words as honourable words.” Mairead, meet the Question Time audience.
Isabel Oakeshott
Who? Journalist, it says here
Where is she on Brexit? Passionate Brexiteer and official chronicler of Nigel Farage and Arron Banks’ Leave.EU campaign
Self-described “passionate Brexiteer” who has said there is no evidence Russia influenced the referendum vote, which coincidentally is exactly the same amount of evidence for the story of David Cameron and a pig’s head she used to flog her widely-derided biography of him. Made herself the story last year after admitting that, while sifting through the old photos, schoolbooks and toys from cereal packets clogging up her attic, she discovered paperwork showing that Leave.EU’s leading lights had met with the Russian ambassador rather more times than originally stated. One of the triumvirate of posh right-wing female journalists, along with Julia Hartley-Brewer and Camilla Tominey, who are reserved a weekly seat on QT, Oakeshott is the panelist most likely to get a fawning write-up on the Express’ website tomorrow for DESTROYING REMOANERS by shouting “you lost” over them while they speak.
Question Time is on BBC One at 10.40pm tonight (11.20pm in Northern Ireland)