Who do you blame the most for mess we are currently in with Brexit?
As Theresa May departs office, many will blame the failure to get Brexit passed on the prime minister, for failing to secure support for her deal.
But are the troubles down to her, or will the next prime minister encounter the same difficulties?
Does the blame mostly fall with David Cameron for calling the referendum in the first place – and then running away?
Is Boris Johnson to blame for the Vote Leave campaign, alongside his colleagues chairing the official Leave movement, Gisela Stuart and Michael Gove?
Or is it Nigel Farage and Arron Banks, who both spent considerable resource trying to convince Britain that the EU was the source of their woes?
Also on the list are Nick Clegg, supporter of the Tory coalition and austerity, Tim Farron and Vince Cable for some lacklustre Lib Dem election campaigns until recently, and the ineffective opposition leaders Jeremy Corbyn and Ed Miliband.
Does some responsibility fall with George Osborne, who was responsible for a lot of ‘Project Fear’ stories towards the end of the referendum campaign, or outside influences like Trump, Putin or Rupert Murdoch?
Or Jacob Rees-Mogg who led the rebellion against May’s deal and tried to oust her from her job?
And finally do the EU leaders have to take some blame for failing to convince Westminster to change tact, or even politicians like Tony Blair or Gordon Brown?
Have your say in our poll and let us know in the comments if you think of others that should be held responsible.