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Tory members rate Hague and Duncan-Smith amongst the best post-war Tory leaders

Former Tory leaders William Hague and Iain Duncan-Smith. Photograph: Phil Noble/PA. - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

Despite never making it into Downing Street, Tory party members believe that William Hague and Iain Duncan-Smith were both some of the best leaders of their party since the war.

While it is little surprise Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher are near universally loved by the party faithful, with 95% and 93% favourability ratings respectively, members favour other leaders who did not become prime minister above those that did.

William Hague, the first Conservative leader not to move into Downing Street, was viewed favourably by 68% with Iain Duncan Smith, who lasted just two years as leader before being deposed, on 61%.

This makes them better respected among party members than many former leaders that took office, according to the YouGov polling.

Only half of the membership has a favourably view of David Cameron (52%) and just 43% say the same of John Major. Theresa May is less popular still, on 41%, and ranks above Alec Douglas-Home and Anthony Eden only because she is more well known.

Languishing at the very bottom is Ted Heath, of whom who just 23% of members have a favourable view and fully 58% a negative one.

YouGov also asked a question on The Wizard of Oz to understand their general outlook – a technique developed by America pollsters.

Asked to choose between the Tin Man (who is all brains and no heart) or the Scarecrow (who is all heart and no brains).

Two thirds (67%) of Conservative members say they would opt for the heartless brainiac, compared to just 14% for his straw-stuffed rival.

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