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Just TWO constituencies support Theresa May’s Brexit deal

Anti Brexit supporters demonstrate outside the Houses of Parliament in London. Photograph: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire - Credit: PA

Just two constituencies in Britain would back Theresa May’s Brexit deal with 600 support remaining in the EU.

The shock poll found that just two constituencies – the Tory-held constituencies of Broxbourne and Christchurch – would prefer the Brexit deal over alternative options.

It found 30 out of 650 supported a no-deal Brexit.

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A strong 600 constituencies polled by YouGov believed that remaining in the European Union was the best option.

YouGov polling on the Brexit deal. Image: YouGov. – Credit: Archant

More than 20,000 people were asked to rank their preferences for Britain’s future on Brexit – choosing between the Brexit deal, a no deal and remaining in the EU.

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The results show 46% of the country supported the option to Remain while 27% each opted for Theresa May’s deal and no deal Brexit.

Analysis suggests that May’s deal suffers from being the country’s second option with Leavers opting for no deal and Remainers prefering the status quo.

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Commenting on the finding YouGov wrote: ‘As she prepares for next Tuesday’s vote it seems that Theresa May’s deal faces the same problems amongst the public as she does among MPs. Whilst it may be more successful in head to head battles, against both No Deal or Remain, it is struggling to fight on both flanks at the same time.’

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