Young people from across the United Kingdom will gather in the House of Commons as it is packed out with MPs for Prime Minister’s Questions. BELLA FRIMPONG and PHOEBE POTTER explain why.
This week, the prime minister abandoned the most important vote in the House of Commons for a generation, because she knows she cannot secure a Parliamentary majority of her proposed Brexit deal.
MPs on all sides recognise that nobody voted for less trade, fewer opportunities, lower living standards. Nobody voted to be poorer and to lose control, least of all young people.
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That’s why we’re joined by over 250 young people from across the United Kingdom, taking over Parliament and demanding a People’s Vote on the Brexit deal.
We’re tired of being ignored by politicians.. We’ve spent months sharing our concerns – writing letters, organising meetings and events – even messaging them on social media and doorstepping them outside TV studios.
But whilst there are some notable exceptions, the reality is that those who claim to represent the ‘will of the people’ have no interest in listening to them. Those with the most to lose are having their voices ignored.
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We have a sense of urgency that the prime minister and the leader of the opposition don’t seem to match.
The clock is ticking – March 29th, 2019 draws ever nearer. Currently there is no majority for any kind of Brexit in Parliament, nor, it seems, any kind of incentive for political leaders to create one.
Young people and students have always been clear – the best deal is the one we currently have with the European Union. We’re not happy with the deal on offer; we’re not happy with Norway, or Canada. The prospect of leaving with no deal scares us – and could cost us as much as £108,000 by 2050.
It makes absolute sense at the end of this process – when the Brexit that may be delivered is a million miles away from what was once promised – to have a People’s Vote.
In particular, the two million young people who have now turned 18 since the 2016 referendum, but haven’t had their voices heard, deserve a chance to make themselves heard. They deserve a vote.
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So we’re making sure we have one. Insteading of waiting MPs to finally come to us, we’re going to them. Parliament is gridlocked, and we’re taking over the lobby. To MPs we say, meet with us. Listen. Give us a People’s Vote.
• Bella Frimpong is a campaigner with For our Future’s Sake and Phoebe Potter is part of the Our Future, Our Choice movement.