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Poll finds Brexit a key reason why youth do not trust MPs

Young protesters outside the Houses of Parliament protesting against Brexit. Photograph: Jay Shaw Baker/NurPhoto. - Credit: NurPhoto via Getty Images

More than half of Britain’s youth say that their confidence in politicians has got worse over the past year – with Brexit being a key contributing factor.

A survey by Populus for the Young Women’s Trust (YWT) charity found that the cost of living and debt were also contributing factors.

The charity’s chief executive Dr Carole Easton said that MPs need to pay more attention to the country’s future.

‘Young people are saying they feel ignored by politicians,’ Dr Easton said.

‘MPs need to step up, start listening to them and provide them with hope for the future.

‘As well as improving young people’s job opportunities and ending the discrimination that sees under-25s paid less than their older counterparts for the same work, Young Women’s Trust is calling for MPs to hold events with young women in their constituencies to listen to their views.’

The YWT charity, which supports young women on low or no pay, surveyed 4,000 people and found 2,000 have less confidence in MPs now than this time last year.

Disillusionment is highest in the north of England, with 58% feeling ignored in the North West and 57% in the North East.

Overall just one in 10 young people said they feel listened to.

The most common cause for concern was finances (42%) followed by the impact of Brexit (38%) and not earning enough to live on (37%).

Separate polling data from YouGov believes 75% of 18 to 24 year olds voted to remain in the European Union in 2016.

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