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Marc Betts

Boris Johnson’s choice for rough sleeping role thinks homelessness is ‘a choice’

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Presenter challenges minister on why Boris Johnson still hasn’t visited flood victims

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Brexiteer MP mocked for refusing to say ‘banned’ Brexit term

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Boris Johnson does not vote for himself despite tactical campaign to oust him

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Social media, dogs and even a guinea pig: The trend of pets at polling stations

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Boris Johnson’s Brexit plan is ‘unrealistic’ and would cut £28bn from economy, experts warn

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Jeremy Corbyn heckled by woman dressed as Elmo

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Voters leave polling stations due to long queues

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Government videos warning businesses about Brexit risks become perfect Remain adverts

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Andrea Leadsom believes the government will send two letters to avoid Brexit extension

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Political heavyweights join forces for anti-Brexit rally

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Workers’ wages deferred and exports sink, the real life implications of Brexit

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Brexit will be delayed beyond October 31 as Tories focus on ousting May, says Juncker

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QUIZ: Have you been paying attention to this week’s European news?

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EU citizens turned away from UK polling stations despite being registered

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Parliament must accept Leave vote or face ‘understandable insurrectionary forces’, says Brexiteer Lawson

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Tory’s Bible quote on Brexit ‘deeply offensive to Christians’

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Piers Morgan schooled by Twitter user for saying Britain voted for no-deal Brexit

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Age UK calls-out government over carer vacancies after Brexit

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Corbyn accused of thrawting Brexit People’s Vote after refusing backing

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Immigration targets will have to be scrapped after Brexit, businesses warn

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Health scare: Voters’ fears grow for NHS after Brexit

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