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Maurice Smith

Will Alex Salmond scythe down Nicola Sturgeon and indyref2?

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The man to save the Union?

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How the SNP’s hate crime bill exposes party divisions

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Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond’s split has not yet damaged SNP fortunes

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The Sturgeon paradox: Why is the Scottish minister facing the same criticisms as the PM?

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SNP set for bloodletting after Alex Salmond acquitted of sexual assault

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With allies standing down and dissent growing, is Nicola Sturgeon sinking?

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The Labour leadership race shows Scotland’s unsettled status

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Boris Johnson may have won the election but he’s losing Scotland

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How Scotland could swing the general election

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Will Labour surrender in Scotland?

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MAURICE SMITH: SNP feud risks major damage

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Could sidelined Scotland spring one last surprise?

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All to play for as the cracks start to show

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British industry: Brexit fiddles while the economy burns

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Nicola vs. Ruth: Get set for biggest face off in politics

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People are applying for EU passports because Brexit ruined Britishness

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Tongue twisting: What Brexit means for minority languages

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