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FAQ’s about print and digital subscriptions

How do I get in touch if I have questions relating to my subscription?, that are not answered above:

If your subscription was taken out AFTER 17th August 2021 please direct all enquiries via email to and we will be very happy to help you.

If your subscription was taken out PRIOR to 17th August 2021 please contact one of our Customer Services team on +44(0)1858 438840 (Mon-Fri 8am to 9pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm) or email and they will be happy to help.

Print Subscriptions

I cannot see the subscription offer when I am on your website.

We’d suggest that you try another web browser; Chrome or Safari are good options

Why take out a home delivered print subscription?

Convenience of having the latest edition of The New European, delivered right to your door in sustainable, eco-friendly paper wrap, ensuring that you never miss an issue.

How does the print subscription work?

Print Access – Print subscription will commence from the next available issue; the cut off for available issues is 10pm on the Wednesday the week prior to the newspaper being published. 

If you have Print and Digital Access – Digital will commence immediately. Print subscription will commence from the next available issue; the cut off for available issues is 10pm on the Wednesday the week prior to the newspaper being published.

What is the price in other currencies?

Prices will be converted by your credit card company at the current rate of exchange.  This rate will fluctuate.

How does Continuous Credit Card / Direct Debit payments work?

Subscriptions are offered on either a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Your payments for a 4 weekly subscription will be taken on a monthly basis, quarterly subscription is taken every 13 weeks and annual subscription is taken on or around the anniversary of your 1st payment.

As this is a continuous payment method you are in complete control of your subscription, as well as eliminating the need for renewal reminders.

Will my online payment / bank details be secure?

Yes, our subscription payment system is secure and online transactions are processed by our secure payment gateway Stripe.  Any information exchanged with any address beginning with https is encrypted using SSL before transmission.

Do I need to renew my subscription?

If you pay by either recurring Credit Card or Direct Debit, your subscription will automatically renew.  If you purchased a fixed term subscription via Credit/ Debit Card, we will notify you before your subscription is due to end with details of how to continue your subscription.

How do you acknowledge receipt of my order?

An order acknowledgement will pop up on the screen to confirm what you have purchased and advise you that your account has been charged, and you will also receive an email confirming your subscription.

Can I manage my subscription online?

Yes, just log onto My Account, enter your email and password. Here you can find out when your subscription is due to expire, amend your payment details, change your address or cancel / reactivate your subscription.

Change address – select “Profile” tab in my account, amend and save changes. 

Cancel / Reactivate my subscription – select “Library” tab and switch Auto-Renew toggle off/ on.

Update my payment method – select “Card” tab and either edit or add a Card and save changes.

How do I cancel my subscription?

The New European has a cancellation on expiration policy, unless you opt to cancel your subscription within the first 14 days of ordering.  You can cancel your subscription in the My Account section on our website, select the “Library ” tab and switch the “Auto-Renew” toggle off, or you can request to cancel your subscription by emailing us at

If a gift or premium was included as part of your subscription offer, we reserve the right to request the return of the gift in the event of an early cancellation of the subscription.

When will my print newspaper arrive?

Your subscription will start with the next available issue. 

Expected Delivery Times Your printed newspaper will be dispatched via Royal Mail and you should typically expect to receive your (UK nationwide) home delivery on the Friday of that week (and no later than the following Monday). For European deliveries, please add a further 7-10 days and for the Rest of the World deliveries, please add a further 14-20 days 

Please note that we publish several bumper editions each year covering two weeks; the dates for 2025 are as follows. Please note these dates may be changed with prior notice.

Please also allow 28 days for delivery of your gift (if applicable). This is dispatched to the payer, if ordered as a gift subscription.

What should I do if my newspaper doesn’t arrive?

Replacement issues – if the current issue is not delivered within the expected delivery time, the Monday after the on sale date, please contact the customer care team on and we will endeavour to get a replacement copy out to you.  Please allow 3-5 working days for delivery to UK addresses and 7-10 days for Europe/Rest of World.

What if I move home?

If your subscription was taken out AFTER 17th August 2021, you can easily update your address by logging onto My Account , select “Profile” tab, amend and save any changes. Alternatively email us at specifying all relevant information as to how your account is to be updated.

If your subscription was taken out PRIOR to 17th August 2021 please contact one of our Customer Services team on +44(0)1858 438840 (Mon-Fri 8am to 9pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm) or email specifying all relevant information as to how your account is to be updated.

Digital Subscriptions

What is a digital subscription?

A digital subscription gives you unlimited digital access to content on our website, weekly digital edition, extensive online archives and podcasts and exclusive invitations to member’s events.

How do I access my digital subscription?

After you have completed your purchase your digital access will commence immediately just   Signin with your email address and password and you have unlimited digital access to our website, if you select “THE PAPER” tab you can access “The weekly edition” which is the current issue, in its new format, “Past Editions” all previous editions from issue #254 in the new format, and “The Newspaper ” access to all previous issues in PDF format, reflecting the paper edition, you will be asked to log in again to access the PDF’s.

How do I access my subscription on a mobile device? PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW APP IS NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE BUT WILL BE VERY SOON

If you have an Android or Apple device you can download our free App directly to your device and login by tapping the subscription button and entering your email and password.  Simply search for The New European on the Apple App Store and/ or Google Play Store to locate the App.

If you do not have an Android or Apple device, you can still access your digital subscription on your mobile device using your web browser, simply visit My Account to login.

Which devices can I access my subscription on?

Our digital subscriptions are designed to work on the majority of computers, laptops and mobile devices.  We utilise a mobile friendly web reader for our editions, allowing access across a wide range of devices. We also offer dedicated edition Apps for Apple and Android devices, via Apple and Google Play.

How many devices can I access my subscription on?

You will be able to access your subscription on multiple devices, one at a time.

 Can I purchase a corporate subscription?

Yes, we offer custom corporate digital subscription packages, if you wish to purchase access for multiple users within your business / organization. Please get in touch at for further information.

When are new digital editions published?

49 editions of The New European are published each year. New editions are released at the same time as the printed edition goes on sale in the shops, on a Thursday.

How do I access previous editions / issues within the App?

When viewing via the web browser

Click “THE PAPER” tab found in the top navigation bar when on the website and select “Past Editions” “The Newspaper”, this will open up to display all the previous editions/ issues available to view in PDF format, replicating the printed paper.  To open an edition, simply click on the cover image of the edition you wish to view.

When viewing within the App

You will find all of the latest issues available to view within the App. To access simply select the edition you wish to view.

How do I view editions when I am not connected to the internet?

You can simply download editions to your device – by tapping the download button – when you are online and save them on your device to view when you are offline. Our Apps utilise progressive downloading, so an edition will download in the background while you are reading.

Editions aren’t loading, what could be causing this?

When viewing on a desktop computer or laptop

The most common cause of editions not loading is a web browser not being compatible with our HTML format. In this case, please try updating your web browser to the latest version or try an alternative browser

When viewing on a mobile device, smartphone or tablet

If editions are not loading on your mobile device, please check that your device is compatible with HMTL, as most mobile optimised editions are presented in HTML.

How do I get in touch if I have questions relating to my subscription?, that are not answered above:

If your subscription was taken out AFTER 17th August 2021 please direct all enquiries via email to and we will be very happy to help you.

If your subscription was taken out PRIOR to 17th August 2021 simply contact one of our Customer Services team on ++44 (0) 1858 438864 (Mon-Fri 8am to 9pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm) or email and they will be happy to help.