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Weird Europe: Baby booted from Danish Commons

News that you might have missed from around the continent, selected by Steve Anglesey.

Danish MP Pernille Skipper was thrown out of the Danish parliament. Photograph: Getty Images.

Danish MP Pernille Skipper was thrown out of the Danish parliament for bringing in her infant daughter, with an opponent declaring, “I feel that neither dogs nor babies belong in the hall.”

Skipper gave birth to her second child in August and declared she would forgo maternity leave and go straight back to work in her role as gender equality spokesperson for the Unity List coalition.

But with her baby sleeping in her arms, she was ordered out of the parliament chamber by chairperson Pia Kjærsgaard, who said Skipper “knows very well that children are not allowed.”

Skipper said she did not understand the decision, adding, “This is Pia Kjærsgaard’s big headache and not mine. I’ve had my baby with me before, quietly at the edge of the hall with no problems.”

A 72-year-old from Srbac, Bosnia, built a rotating house after his wife complained about the view from her window.

The new home, designing on a 7-metre axis, can now spin full circle in 22 seconds or rotate gently over a 24-hour period, giving Vojin Kusic’s wife the chance to always be in the sunshine, while taking in the sight of local cornfields and a nearby river.

The build took him six years, and Kusic said: “I was fed up with her complaints and the frequent renovation of our family home and said: I’ll build you a revolving house so you can turn it as you like.”

An 80-year-old Swede has been fined after a court rejected his outlandish excuses for a long campaign of harassment against his neighbours.

Officials in Varberg were not impressed when the OAP explained that he was playing loud music for hours on end to “avoid being burgled”, that a number of horror dolls he had set up facing his neighbours’ home were “acting as scarecrows” and that a noisy air compressor he pointed at their house for periods of up to a full day was being used “to clean garden tools”.

The court upheld claims that he had been conducting a reign of terror for several years after his neighbours built a greenhouse in their garden in a position he did not like. The elderly man was given a 100-day fine – equivalent to half his disposable income over that time – and ordered to pay costs of 5,000 SEK (£420).

A baker who won the right to make Emmanuel Macron’s bread when his was named the best baguette in Paris had to duck the award ceremony after old posts expressing extremist sentiments were found on his Facebook page.

Tunisia-born Makram Akrout won 4,000 euros (£3,400) and a contract to supply the Elysee Palace with baguettes for a year. But neither he nor Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo turned up for the prizegiving after the posts were unearthed.

krout’s lawyer said, “Like many internet users, he in the past posted content on social media without grasping its significance.”

Munich airport was briefly evacuated after a man attempted to put a live mortar shell through a security baggage scanner.

The 28-year-old said he had found the explosive device while hiking in Switzerland and had forgotten it was in his rucksack. He is now expected to face charges, while the shell was detonated in a controlled explosion.

A rescue greyhound named Lewis flew business class from Melbourne to begin his new life in Florence.

The former racer’s owner Mary Meister was emigrating and Lewis was supposed to spend the 17-hour Singapore Airlines flight in the cargo hold. He was upgraded as the plane was nearly empty because of Australia’s Covid-19 travel laws.

Ms Meister said Lewis did not enjoy take-off or landing but had been “spoiled rotten” by the crew, who fed him muffins and croissants.

A Socialist Party councillor in Barcelona has been accused of stealing a taxi at gunpoint, together with the driver’s stash of 10,000 euros (£8,500).

Eduardo Beltrán is also suspected of involvement in a cryptocurrency scam in which people expecting to buy Bitcoin were robbed of cash and mobile phones by a man holding a pistol.

The Socialist Party of Catalonia has suspended Beltrán, who is free on bail. Police said they had recovered the taxi, the money, a weapon and a fake police badge.

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