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Boris Johnson

Prime minister Boris Johnson arriving in Biarritz, France, for the annual G7 summit - Credit: PA

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson calls for a ‘civil and kind’ politics ahead of free school meals debate

Boris Johnson has demanded politicians be more “civil and kind” to each after debates surround the provision of free school meals sparked public reprisals against MPs. The prime minister’s press secretary, Allegra Stratton, said the debate around free school meals had made life “very unpleasant” for Conservative MPs. This comes as the prime minister accused Labour supporters of using a […]
Jacob Rees-Mogg in the House of Commons - Credit: Twitter

Boris Johnson

Jacob Rees-Mogg claims fish captured after Brexit deal came into effect were ‘British and happier for it’

Jacob Rees-Mogg has claimed fish captured after the Brexit deal came into effect were “British and happier for it”. Rees-Mogg suggested Scottish fishermen should be happy that Britain “got our fish back”, even though many faced financial difficulties caused by stock rotting at British ports due to Brexit-related hold-ups. Responding to the SNP’s Tommy Sheppard’s question on compensating those […]