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Kit Malthouse on BBC Breakfast - Credit: Twitter


Tory minister denies Boris Johnson broke Covid regulations during Olympic Park cycle trip

Policing minister Kit Malthouse has denied Boris Johnson broke coronavirus restrictions over the weekend by exercising at Stratford Olympic Park. Johnson was spotted cycling at Queen Elizabeth Park on Sunday, which is located seven miles away from Downing Street, prompting accusations he broke government guidance. Current official government advice says exercise should be limited to once a day […]
Nigel Farage - Credit: Twitter


Nigel Farage backs Tony Blair to lead Britain’s vaccination programme during dig at ‘low grade’ government

Nigel Farage has said Tony Blair should lead the UK’s vaccination programme, adding the former Labour prime minister “commands respect” and is “seriously bright”. Expressing his frustration with Boris Johnson’s latest lockdown announcement, Farage took to Twitter with a suggestion on how to speed up Britain’s vaccination drive. Describing the current cabinet as the “most low grade […]