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Brexit will be delayed beyond October 31 as Tories focus on ousting May, says Juncker

President of European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has said Brussels is prepared for Britain to ask for another extention. Picture: YouTube - Credit: YouTube

Jean-Claude Juncker has claimed that the government is facing another Brexit delay as it focuses on removing Theresa May rather than getting a deal passed.

Prime Minister Theresa May making a speech in central London on her latest Brexit plans. (Kirsty Wigglesworth/PA Wire) – Credit: PA

The UK is set to leave the EU on October 31 but with May on the edge of resignation the European commission leader spoke of his admiration for the PM.

He told CNN: “What I don’t like in the British debate is it seems more important to replace the prime minister than to find an agreement among themselves.

“This is a woman [May] who knows how to do things but she is unable to succeed in doing things. I like her very much; she is a tough person.”

Junker told the American news organisation that he was “fed up” with the delay but Brussels is prepared to accept a further request to extend Brexit.

He add: “I hope they will agree among themselves, and they will leave by the end of October, I think it’s their patriotic duty to get an agreement.

“I am getting fed up because we are waiting for the next extension.”

The comments come as European Union liberal lawmaker Guy Verhofstadt described how other nations on the continent watching Brexit unfold has made them not want to leave.

“Brexit is in fact a tragedy for Europe,” Verhofstadt, the European parliament’ main liaison on Brexit, told a news conference in Budapest, Hungary.

“When a big country like the UK is leaving the EU its difficult to say it’s fantastic.”

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